Berlin | Belgium

True Copy

Thu. 30.05. – 20:30
Kulturzentrum E-Werk Saal | Tickets
Fri. 31.05. – 18:00
Kulturzentrum E-Werk Saal | Tickets
Sat. 01.06. – 20:00
Tafelhalle | Tickets

ca. 90 min
in Dutch with German surtitles

New Media | Documentary Theatre

“True Copy“ is a portrait of the famous Dutch art forger Geert Jan Jansen that puts him centre stage. Geert Jan’s work and life is a constant balancing act on the tightrope between fiction and reality. In this new production, the artist collective Berlin uses their idiosyncratic multimedia style to merge two different worlds and realities on stage. Together with the protagonist, they put the finger on a festering open sore in the art world – its hypocrisy.

The performances on 30 May in Erlangen and on 1 June in Nuremberg are followed by artist talks in English.