Thalias Kompagnons | Germany

Daheim in der Welt

Sun. 26.05. – 11:00
Tafelhalle Theatercafé | Tickets
Sun. 26.05. – 15:00
Tafelhalle Theatercafé | Tickets

Found objects are lookig for a new home

ca. 35 min
Ages 4 +

Puppet Theatre | Object Theatre


Everyone needs a home. A place to belong. A place to feel safe and secure. Sometimes you have to look for that place – just like the little things that the puppeteer found: stones, a snail shell, a petite pillow. Together they get the chance to explore the world and make themselves a home. Tristan Vogt, internationally working puppeteer and director, tells a story about the art of life with his miniature object theatre play.